CUMMINS POWERSPEC (1 PC) Diagnostics Software

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Cummins PowerSpec Your key to perfect engine performance

Download and installation:
After placing your order, our manager will contact you and provide you with a download link + help you install and activate the software using TeamViewer.
You can also consult before purchasing via WhatsApp.
Installation on 1 PC

Cummins PowerSpec is not just software, it is the key to complete autonomy and maximum performance of your Cummins engine.

With PowerSpec you:

  • Become a conductor: Turn your engine into a perfectly tuned orchestra, where every parameter is honed to perfection.
  • You reveal hidden reserves: Power, torque, efficiency – squeeze the maximum out of every liter of fuel.
  • You follow the letter of the law: Compliance with environmental standards is easy and without headaches.
  • Adapt to any element: Change the climate, conquer the off–road - your engine will always work like clockwork.

PowerSpec is:

  • Intuitive interface: Even a beginner can easily figure out the intricacies of the setup.
  • Powerful functions: Gear calculator, parameter optimization, data analysis – everything is under your control.
  • Flawless operation: No failures, only stability and reliability.

PowerSpec is your faithful assistant:

  • For Cummins Dealers: Increase customer loyalty by offering professional customization and diagnostics.
  • For truck owners: Take control of the engine into your own hands, optimize costs and increase service life.
  • For Engineers: Get access to advanced engine development and testing tools.

PowerSpec is:

  • Support for a wide range of Cummins engines: ISX, ISM, ISL, ISC, ISB, X15, X12, B6.7N, L9N, ISX12N and others.
  • Reliable Choice: Cummins PowerSpec is the No.1 tool for professionals worldwide.

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